Monday, March 3, 2008

On Dreams.

Normally I don't do this because my dreams are usually pretty weird and I don't remember much after waking up, but this one stuck out for some reason. Before you continue reading, you should realize that this dream is about guys (nothing sexual, actually), and is going to be written by a GIRL so, you might want to stop reading now. :)

Anyways, if you guys have read my "On Boyfriends" post, then you guys should know that I've never had a boyfriend and never really desired one. *shrug* I have a sense of independence and commitment doesn't really excite me.

But in any case, the dream. It was pretty normal actually. Usually when I dream about things, I have these crazy surreal events like I'm in outer space or Naruto and crew are running up the empire state building because they were chased by Godzilla (yeah, I know. I wonder what that TOWER means, hahaha). Anyways, this one surprisingly was pretty normal, you know, excluding some things.

Probably the only things that clued me in that this was a dream was the fact that he was living in the same room as me, i.e. my dorm. Which would be impossible because last time I checked Michelle wasn't a guy. But yeah. negligible. It was still pretty real.

I can't really remember his face, but he had a distinct face. You know how when you dream, the faces that you don't really know are distorted or shadowed, but I remember seeing his face. It wasn't anyone that I've met before, or someone who probably even exists. I recall him being really humble looking. No one super hot or fantasy like... I mean, he had like a weird buzz cut thing, definitely not my type. But still, dreams make everything seem perfect.

What was weird was the fact of how complete the relationship went through its cycle. Other than getting together (he magically appeared and we were together), I can remember having fun with him (funny guys are the best♥), I can remember going through some trouble that resulted in breaking up, and then reconciling because we were being stupid.

I don't know, this whole thing seems weird. I normally don't even remember my dreams, but his face (even if I don't remember it well) kept appearing in my mind. Haha, maybe I'll meet him one day.

I dunno, that's all I really wanted to say. There's a lot more detail that I can get into, but I don't really feel like it. For the most part, I still don't want a boyfriend, but maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me something. Hm, well, I'm not gonna actively look for this certain guy. If he finds me, so be it. :)

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